Friday, April 16, 2010

New Social Media Sites

As Social Media grows and becomes more and more popular, many new sites have started popping up. Two have recently caught my interest.
is like Facebook for your credit card purchases. It allows you to publish how much you spent on your credit card, where you spent the money, and what you bought. Then, your friends can comment on the purchase. Why? I don't know, but it certainly is following the social media trend: everything is public, and nothing is private any more.

Another up and coming site is Unvarnished. This site allows people to create profiles about people and then anonymously rate them as a person, in the business context. The catch is, you can not edit or delete any comments made about you! It's like that slam book on Mean Girls, but in real life! You can check out the website at If you go to, this is what you will see:

screen grab of love it! on Twitpic

Some guy's blog just got really huge, or really screwed.